Tuesday, April 13, 2021

the unexplained monies in your bank account


When you have monies

Credited in your account in the bank

You can't explain how it flow in

You have to advice the authority

The bank must be notified

Maybe a police report should be made

This is to avoid any criminal cases

Under Amla law in the country

If you keep quiet

If you use the monies

You can't claim you are innocent

You can't claim it is a windfall

You can't say “I don't ask for it”

You can't say “It's in my bank account so I use”

The onus on you to show you have the legal right

To use the monies credited into your bank account

If there is no legal right for the monies

It is best to notify the bank and see the result

If the bank still insists it is your monies

You have done your duty nobody will fault you

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