Sunday, December 05, 2021

a simple plan is all it needs


When a plan isn't in existence

Living day by day hoping sickness hides

Watching the world with an open mind

Believing living still can survive

Everything will be good

When we were adults eager to fly

Remember this song decades ago

Fly Robin Fly Up Up to the sky”

That's the freedom

Thinking it will never drop down

In reality it isn't so easy

Money is still the medium of exchange

Without sufficient saving in life

The future of old age will be regretful

When energy is barely to sustain it

Without money the crying in darkness

Now don't think of children

By now they have their own problems and regrets

Many can't support their aging parents

As they too finding hard to cope with their daily living

The age old rule

A simple plan is all it needs

The saving to last through the old age

Starting now before it is too late

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