Sunday, December 19, 2021

will the majority sink the fear to change?


Malacca the wolves

Sarawak GPS

The majority voted their choice

They better don't complain

The bad still rules

The people like to be abused and punished

Living in the lowest level watching the elites

Displaying their wealth and power play

The truth is hard to come by

It is always covered by under hand tactics

Filed it under Official Secrets Act as well

The powerful will put in the fear

The people will be cowed into it

They rather stay the same and live within

They can't see beyond their fate in lives

They will stick with the familiar logos

Let the next generations handle it

The older ones can't bother with the bad

They think they do their part

But they forget to change with times

Now we see Malacca goes to the wolves

Sarawak goes to GPS yesterday

Now the wolves thinking of the grand election

Will the majority voters get rid of their fear?

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