Sunday, December 26, 2021

round up golden dragon hill


Round up golden dragon hill slope of houses

The quiet fall of the night of soft breezes

Watching the Christmas lights on a home

Brightly coloured celebrating Christmas

The quiet night as most homeowners stayed indoors

Maybe watching television shows or sleep early

The holiday season kicks in for this weekend

Recharging to stay physically fit against illnesses

Only one house brightly coloured on the porch

It makes the day to remember as Christians celebrate

Remembering the Good Lord once walked on Earth

Preaching his way to say the truth

On Christmas Day on holiday

Let the truth stay in harmony and true

As the coloured lighting will tell the people

The bright of truth darkness will hide

As the car rounds up the trip

Leaving behind the quiet breezy hill slope

The golden dragon hill standing a bit higher

Watching the night and day passing by

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