Monday, December 20, 2021

the young voters will make the difference


The wolves

The early GE they wish

Looking at the winning game

They don't want to wait

Some of the top wolves

On trial on Amla and corruption

They can't stomach going to prison

They want to get it out quickly

They plan their games

If Omicron strikes here

The wolves may not like it

It may cause them headaches

Currently they smell the hunt

The good taste in their heads

The winning in Malacca

They want to bite more

The wolves holding pole position

Supported by the coalition partners

Though they aren't on the same chords

Each partner sings a different tune

GE15 will be the young voters role

Many of the elderly folks in the villages

They can't think beyond the fences

They don't see the bad committed by the wolves

The wolves

The early GE they wish

The young voters will make a difference

Who will rule Putrajaya?

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