Wednesday, December 15, 2021

we aren't born free and equal


We aren't born free and equal

We believe we are in law or common sense

Yet in reality as we look around in light

We aren't born equally rich, in power and benefits

There will be the unusual imbalances

In the status of one's life and benefits

We can argue it isn't our faults to fall in

Born in poor has no excuse; dying poor is bad planning

Live within the means

Let no expenditures exceed income

It will be a stupid plan to live in it

In debts it will turn life into darkness

Some will say if it is good debts

By all means gather it as much as possible

But our future is unknown in term of time

The good debts can turn nightmares too

As long as we remember

We aren't born equally rich

We should be able to plan accordingly

A good life needs to plan it well but do we?

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