Thursday, February 10, 2022

can we stop Omicron?


The Omicron

How to stop it?

The natural methods

Should be informed to all

Can we stop Omicron?

It will be MOH excuse

To get the people to booster shots

When it is less effective now

Tell the people

The bad side effects

Don't hide the information

In US the government suppressed it

But it can't silence the alternative scientists and doctors

They will try other platforms to get the information ahead

Though the big pharma will try to delay and keep it close

The statistics isn't welcoming news on the vaccines

Omicron is like a bad flu

Though it can spread so easily through contacts

We should stock up our Covid tool aid*

It will help us to stop Omicron spreading

We should also remember the basic rules and SOP

We should avoid malls, closed door outlets, in crowded places

Go to open spaces with lots of ventilation flowing

Wear face masks, wash hands with soap and planned outing

covid tool aid

Povodine iodine, Vitamin C 3000mg, D3 5-8000mg, Zinc sulfate 220mg

Quercetin 500mg

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