Tuesday, February 08, 2022

in the mirror they like to lie


The wolves howl

In the day now

One time so confident

They did it in the night

In the full moon

Now they feel the fear

The village folks know

The bad bites on show

It isn't going to be good

Though Malacca and Sabah

Even Sarawak voters forgot

The wolves got the prizes

Maybe in Johore

The wolves will meet their fate

The side-kicks aren't helping

They are the errand boys for the wolves

The people will not support

They sold their dignity for greed

Now the wolves feel the fear

Talking of power sharing

It is just a lie

It has been since 60 years ago

If the wolves really think of power sharing

They should join up with PH

The nation will progress and prosper

But will the wolves do it?

In the mirror they like to lie

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