Sunday, February 13, 2022

the crocodiles never use brains


The crocodiles

Always never use the brains

When they open their yawning mouths

Nothing good will ever come

In any relationship at all

There is always 2 way communication

A woman mustn't be shown as weakling

Where a man can do as he pleases

When there is a marital issue

It is to talk to each other face to face

It isn't by using gentle touch

It will not solve the outstanding issue

But the Muslim men always find an easy way out

Send an email to denounce their married life

Without the gut to face his marital spouse

He walks out without a thought of his former wife

When there is a marital issue

It isn't by gentle touch to solve it

It is by talking; finding ways to heal

With the crocodiles they better go to the swamp

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