Wednesday, July 06, 2022

the controlled society


The controlled society

Every law passed seems to say

There shouldn't be any yellow culture

Spreading out in our lives

But society at large

The people still go into it

Especially in corruption and greed

They will say they don't remember the law

Even one Tok Guru says

It is better to have a corrupted Muslim leader

Than the non Muslim any day

That's how the corruption stay!

The Huangse Wenhua culture

In those ancient times in China

It was how China lost her wars

Because the people were weak

In modern society

Laws don't help to stop it

The yellow culture still at large

Because people want to find short cut

As one disgrace leader says in his days

Cash is king” because he knows what can be done

The short cut to richness has its flaws

A short term gain a long time of misery

The controlled society

The distribution should be fair and equal

Yet we don't find it in the government

There will be favouritism in its way

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