Thursday, August 04, 2022

a wrong turn isn't the end of the road


It is always sad to hear

The lost souls going overboard

Leaving not even in their times

But they gave it up completely

Living problems are many

We can hear and see it every day

It isn't something new at all

We need to be open and talk about it

A 23 years old woman fell from KLCC

What she was thinking to take her own life?

How bad life in our lives

Living is still better to fight the bad vibrations

A father threw his 3 children on MRR2

If he wanted to kill himself why killed the 3 kids?

He should let his children live but he didn't

He took them with him to the underground

We have our lives

How we manage it will tell on us

We can't blame situations or bad omen

A wrong turn isn't the end of the road

Learn to accept losses

Because life isn't a straight road

We will face our challenges

Accept it and work on the issues

We will be tested every time

We are born to live and face our dilemmas

We have to live and pass the faith

A wrong turn isn't the end of the road

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