Thursday, May 31, 2007
lina joy 2
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
lina joy lost her appeal
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
a whopping fine!
dont take drugs
Monday, May 28, 2007
the bloggers fight on
They think they are rich
They can do and scramble the poor guys
Leaving nothing or crumbs to take
Ah…the power of money
It builds the insane people
Until it is too late
When the devil waits at the gate
Every road trees or bushes
It makes poetic scenery
It makes knowledge looks great
Yet there are those who try
To make the learned people look stupid
Exchanges of ideas
Reporting what is known
The party should reply
Not hiding in litigations
To cobweb the poor guys
Ah…the power of money
It makes a decent man cries
Challenges and debates
Excites the minds to creative
Stifling growth isn’t the way
Only the miser wants his ways
What is not true?
It says who tells it so
Go for the challenges
Have balls to make the differences
Sunday, May 27, 2007
You want to retire?
The article in the Star newspaper about retirement makes an interesting and soul searching read. The majority of the people live on their EPF savings when they retire. The fund as EPF had surveyed lasted only for 3 years when those retirees withdraw on reaching 55 years. In this age one has the knowledge and experience to contribute until 65 years. Look for example at our prime minister and ministers. They should formulate or change the current laws to allow people to retire at aged 65 years. Like the judges. But will they? I think they dont really think hard about it. Most retirees wont survive over the next 5 years. For one the children will ask their retiring parents for help or buying cars or investing in houses...because now they have the money. Tomorrow will sink back into the backseat...until such time when the funding has dried up..I think most of us when young couldnt find time to save though it is encouraged to do so. At that age we wanted to enjoy our fruits of labour. Saving I think never cross the mind. Even today we still can find those young graduates will think the same like the mind of those people decades ago. Enjoy now save later. We arent young at these age and when we lose it we shall not find it again or why think of tomorrow when today we wont know what will happen............The cycle will repeat and repeat until the person takes responsibility on it People say plan today for better tomorrow but if you ask the homeless people or the poor people how to plan for better tomorrow nak makan pun tak cukup, nak cari rezeki pun susah bahkan nak cari rumah takpayahlah cerita So my observation is there will be those who make it and those who will not and those who will forever remain poor(because all the factors are staked against them) And then I read "the kingdom of the Lord is for those who are willing to give up everything....." Now go and figure it out
the hummers
PKR election
Friday, May 25, 2007
there are leaders....
Nalla finally quits today. I dont think PKR will remember him and I dont think the Indians will feel loss without him. The battle must go on................a new leader will take over when there is a vacuum
Thursday, May 24, 2007
nalla quits
services must improve...will it?
Services must improve.Productivity must increase. Delivery system must meet the people's needs or expectations. For a while I will see some improvements.When cost of living is going up, the increment will be talked of the past. The whole nine yard will not be accomplished. The cycle will set in. Everything boils down to square one....It is the attitude of a person to deliver his/her job. It is not really about pay increase( it will correspond the increase of products and services and taxes. Because somewhere the money has to come to offset the extra costs involved) Sin Chew Daily reported it will cost the government of BN something like $8 billion a year for the increase of civil servants pay. Mind you the government must find ways to increase its income to offset this huge expenditure. We are not talking about the 1.1 or 1.2 million civil servants, we are talking about the 550,00 retired officers on pension too. Of course I read reports that these pensioners can't survive with the pension that they receive....Hello what about other poorer segment of the people. CAN THEY SURVIVE? The government doesnt really assist these hardcore poor....perhaps the officers help a few just to put on record like the sake of planning something to show in their reports but it isnt planned properly...It is only for themselves to participate. When I was in Langkawi, it was a joke really about the planned tourism products. Mega sales nobody felt the atmosphere. Festival of Art I can't imagine what is all about then. These planners involved didnt put up notices long before the events were put up. It was only 3 days I could see the banners announcing these events would be held.....You think people will know and plan for it? Now the Perak State Secretary wants people to report direct to him about the poor services of the civil servants...because now they will get their pay increase. Why now? This is the attitude again. Get something then wants to do something. The State Secretary should walk the talk. He should go visiting government buildings. He can do it once a week pick a day and walk in. In a month he can visit 4 departments....I can imagine the impact he will make on his rounds. Here I can only dream about....because it wont really happen. After a while the services on the delivery system to the people will be talking again
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
we are so stupid
We are told we live in a democratic country
Going to the polls every 4 0r 5 years
Casting votes to elect MPs
Like fools they then call us
In the giddy world of politics
In it you see the shadows play
Trapping people with planned wealth
Dishing out projects to friends and cronies
Then they tell us we are stupid
We have no brains to tell right or wrong
So we elect them to sit in Parliament
And they say crude jokes
Belittling the women folks
And what did the BN government do?
Let the minister handle it
Write a sincere apology
So everything is fine
But does it really?
The BN party whip spoke in support
The buffoon MPs in his rank
So we are really stupid
We don’t know what is right and wrong
Now we have a minister
One time journalist turned politician
Expressing his fears about bloggers
He wants to put them out of space business
Then he says it is only 20,000
Out of our working population of 11 million
So it isn’t that important
Yet the fear glorifying him
He forgets his roots as a journalist
He has no root to withstand the wind
So he blows his trumpet loud and clear
Nobody cares what he says
He is a dinosaur he should retire long ago
It is our fault we elected these MPs
They make stupid decisions for us
Like a paid piper blowing his flute
We stand there looking like fools
So the next general election
We better do our homework
Make the right choices
Or else we are so stupid
In this democratic process
pay hike 2
courtesy malaysiakini
leaks again
Nasibnya Malaysia tak bocor!!!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
pay hike for civil servants
So congratulations to Cuepecs............welcome taxes on goods. Inilah Malaysia Bolih tentu bolihnya..
Monday, May 21, 2007
the taxpayers' woes
For services and checks
For Putrajaya buildings
On the poor workmanship
It is the norm
In the Works Ministry
“Give me the money
I get it fix in quick time”
The tax payers cry
Money for crony’s flight
Like the Superman
Listening to ratepayers’ woes
Of the MPs we vote
Now it is Parliament House
Leaking roof old wires
Last renovation was $90 million
In 2005 and now look
It comes one more time
The money train arrives
Samy says we are the doctors
We come to check when get sick
He forgets about prevention
JKR engineers and architects
What they do I know not?
Everything seems to privatize
So there will be a hefty bill
I guess something like $180 million
For poking the wires
Knocking out walls
Oh ministers!
They take voters for the rides
Feeling giddy going up and down
Finally mark crosses here
You are done
They walk back to their offices
Smiling for jobs accomplished
Sunday, May 20, 2007
botanic again
Saturday, May 19, 2007
government building leaks
Malaysia bolih kan?
Friday, May 18, 2007
the buffoons in parliament
Is it a surprise when Sharizat said the case closed? The voters will decide and I sincerely hope they dont fall for the packaged traps offer by BN leaders..Malaysia bolih....we get the crumbs they get the honey
plan budgets and programmes
Here is work less wanted more pay................more break times doing less work.......more meetings escape from work.....

maintenance culture in government sulks
Thursday, May 17, 2007
macam macam lah 4
let the wounds be healed
May 13 book is going to be banned? Are the government so afraid of history? The Alliance government gave its "official version" why May 13 happened 38 years ago. During those times important documents and pictures were kept by the then government. Even those times Tunku was sidelined by Razak and his co-horts with a purposeful plan to topple Tunku. When I heard in my growing up years was not conforming to the "official version" of the events. Lucky for me I was staying and living in a kampong style atmosphere. When the incident happened in KL, nothing was happened in this multi-racial integrated kampung village. We went about our normal businesses -the Malays,Chinese, Indians and other races. There wasnt any single clashes within the community. Ministry seizes controversial May 13 book-by Dr Kua Kia Soong. We need leaders who are open minded and let history presented in its positive perspective. The BN government is trying to suppress the knowledge about the incidents so that the people would accept its official version. The BN should come clean on it and let the people decide the course the country will lead. I think we are living in a lie of May 13. As I recalled I was there in my old kampong "protecting my uncle's house" against any undesirable groups coming into the kampung then together with my eldest brother. We took turn to patrol the area with our own made spears made of steel. We were young and angry about the incidents. First report we heard was the Malay mobs killed 2 Chinese in Kampong Baru. Second report we heard was the Army helping its own people. Third report was Harun Idris was the man behind the incident when Selangor lost its 2/3 majority in the State Assembly. It was a conflicting game in our minds. At night I heard gunshots in Klang town. Lucky for me the night went off without any incident. Maybe God is around for us...I think back I believe He is there all the times. Even when I am growing up and until now, He is there for me. When I ask for help He always there for me. It is a fact to me. I havent bought the book yet. My wish let the book be read by all concerned rakyat and let the wounds be healed once and for all.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
headless souls darkness tell
women subject of jokes?
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
half past six
Monday, May 14, 2007
macam macamlah 3
Sunday, May 13, 2007
May 13 is 38 years old today
live like the wind
We live in our own images. Though lines appear hair turning white gold or red, we live in the power of our self worth. No other comes to impede one's self valuation. This is the power in our eyes. We see what we want to see. We feel happy with it. Fashion, make up and grooming all these other accessories package it to make one believes aging is nothing new. One will look according to the age one believes in. In the beginning; in the middle; and in the last. Once you understand it life I think will be a breeze. Free flowing like the wind every part every corner every shadow. Look at it - the power in your own mind. Feel the freedom. Live it to the fullest
no but or whatever will stop it. This is life dont put a brake on it.....let the songs sing every time
Saturday, May 12, 2007
discriminatory policies or rules
religious faiths
You do it good you get a prize. I make you rich you do what I ask. Do it in the name of Allah or do it in the name of the prophets, you get your kingdom to rule. Paradise is for those who do my the human time bomb ticks its way....there is no heaven; it is the darkness
Friday, May 11, 2007
robbers and thieves
Do we hear about cleaning the rivers in the country? About tenders open in the market? Suddenly it was announced that YTL got the contract worth billions again. I still dont know....this is the rotten government so said Dr M the former PM of the country. The DNA test by our police showed the child of the death Mongolian beauty is belonging to her ex-husband. Her father disputed it because the police never takes sample on the child. He asked how could the police come to this conclusion. Something fishy going on here. Rotten government( It is now understood that Baginda Razak is a close buddy to Najib)
I am still happy browsing my net.....feeling free and contented with my life Malaysia is still good to me
houses on public auction
Thursday, May 10, 2007
felda scheme
life is crazy in relationship
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
where have the people gone?
Malaysia few jobs many time for relationships
Raja Muda of Perak hitched
Zara Salim Davidson from The Star
Raja Nazrin Shah got hitched to Zara Salim Davidson. His bride is a grandniece to the country's first prime minister Tunku Abdul Rahman aged 34 years. I thought Raja Nazrin Shah will stay on his bachelorhood (Like Sir Cliff Richard's song "I am a bachelor boy until the day I die................." The Raja Muda of Perak will finally make his parents really happy. I believe the Sultan of Perak must have sighed a sense of relief that finally his son is getting married though late in his life at aged 50 years old. Well it is better late than never. (I dont know how long Sultan of Selangor will remain single......maybe he wants to follow his father marry a young woman...I remember his 1st wife Raja Zarinah blended well with the people. Most people felt sad that he had to divorce her and married an American whom he divorced her too. Now His Royal Highness should get married soon....) So our best wishes for a new life to both of them. May Allah grant them a safe and prosperous life..........
p/s For me I tumpang Negeri orang..........
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
quality time the devil wins
macam macam lah 2
Sunday, May 06, 2007
macam macam lah
Saturday, May 05, 2007
something wrong in our economy?
VIPs ganglord in Sarawak
VIPs ganglord in Sarawak. The police should work harder to find out how these VIPs are involved in the criminal activities. Imagine titled people involved to get rich through crimes. I always say that rich people are involved in "Ah Longs activities" The runners will always ask their bosses when they hit a client....I had a friend who really needed money to pay back for his lost direction. He stole money over 2 years. He was good at hiding it from me. The auditors couldnt find out but I found it. So I gave him time to pay up before I filed my police report. So he arranged to get his money over $60,000/- from the loan sharks. But he failed when these people gave him excuses. In a way the loan sharks too investigate the borrower's background too. I talked to him and finally his sister paid up for him. I closed the case but we are still friends though I haven't seen him or contact him for over 5 years now. The last I heard one of my business friends called me asking about his background I told him the truth qualified by saying he is a good hardworking worker but dont let him handle money. Rich people will do other ways to get tax free money. I think it is a fact in the business to create wealth. Every mean is explored to get money. Wealth creation is a real time to most people. I am one of those sitting in front of my note book browsing my time away and feel great with it. Becauses I write my poems here thousands of it and feeling myself worth better than where I was before growing up in the village. So the police should investigate other states too. VIPs involve in crimes are nothing new. It is recorded in history not only in this country but in other nations as well. Wealth every mean to get it multiply by the good and bad people.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
life is free
Life is free so dont put obstacles on it. You will be your own loser. Make it lively live within the walls of Eden
dirty here and there and what else?
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
a long way to climb to the top
We can't have these developments kept repeating year in year out. Words delivered but no action. Walk the talk is a long way to climb up to the top.