Thursday, January 03, 2008

in the name of the king

People always go forward
Looking for ways to improve their lot
Sometimes for the country
Sometimes for their own benefits

When they find their own
It is time to protect it vigorously
Because there will be others
They want the land
And everything on it

Amongst the crowd
Facing a common enemy
A leader will arise
Leading them to fight
To reclaim what is lost
As it was in the beginning

The days of witchcrafts
It doesn’t disappear
It is still abounds in the 21st century
Paying money to get the result
The black magic gleefully tries
On the unsuspecting people

People have been fooled many times
Promising glorious wealth eyes can see
Let people imagine the magic gifts
It is only a con man dream

Even in politics pay extra mile
You don’t know what the politicians’ wants
Issuing statements yet they don’t know what to do
Fool the people gets their votes
Then they forget the voters

The ancient and the modern people
The basic law remains the same
Cheating, lying, killing
If you are not careful
You may lose everything……….

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