Wednesday, January 16, 2008

south of the border

Grace photo by Dellis

South of the Border
Tall rise buildings people flow in tight regulations
Knowing there are no natural resources
The survival instincts drilling the day they were born

Be the best they can be
Make the world sees their paintings
Cohesiveness, peace and harmony
Amongst the lot in the country

Nothing to disagree
When opposition tries
The full length of the law
Bankruptcy and imprisonment awaits
The people who don’t toe the line

The beautiful city the clean streets
The super efficient services
Nobody can find fault with it
A place one doesn’t have to argue
“Put on the meter charge a fair rate”

In their own state
They dare not make a fuss
About anything they see
Only in other countries
When they visit
Arrogance and proud they show
Throwing rubbish everywhere
As if this is the backyard

O I have relatives in Singapore
I don’t have to examine far to know
And I had observed their antics
They want to be free

O I am lucky to live here
The good the bad and the ugly
The rojak of the nation
It makes a new day everyday!

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