Monday, January 14, 2008

taliban in malaysia?

Is Malaysia going to Taliban clique?
Co-ed school separate entrance and sitting
Asking the Non-Malay or Muslim to wear songkok and head scarf
In schools and institutions

Where is the choice under the Constitution?
The Education Minister must reply to these issues
Is he sleeping on his job too?

Non-Muslim parents aren’t happy
Forcing children to wear such attires
It isn’t the approved uniform sanctioned by MoE
How can school enforce it?

PIBG must answer too
Are they too in the dark of it?
The social stigma that accrues
When religious officials go undercover
Catching those on close proximity
Or during the fasting month
There will much anger and distress
When wrong people catch

So what is Islam Hadhari doing?
Going backwards instead of forward
Yet the sleeping beauty snores it through
Into his dreams he thinks he gets it true

The little napoleons are up to their tricks
Bending rules and regulations as they like
They think the country belonging to them
What they see shadows of other races?

Time for change
Send the fanatics to pasture
Let them think in gated confinement
About the country multi-racial multi-religious root
It isn’t for any one race at all…………..

Why make the unnecessary stress?
Let the people enjoy their freedom and choices
In the country of many people and belief
Together we make the nation………

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