Thursday, April 14, 2011

dont forget to lock your door

The dark striped color cat
Walking on the road with tail holding high
Staring at the bird's cage smelling meal to be had
The covert moved the cat waited for the night

The birdies tweeting away
When they saw the parenting birds flying in
With worms and insects in its peak
The birdies tweeting loudly flapping wings

The dark striped color cat watched
Opposite the house under the cool shade of trees
Smelling the aroma of hot meat in its mouth
The struggling birdies wanting to get free

The silly birdies never realized the danger
Tweeting unnecessarily in the cage
Maybe they thought they were safe
Behind the thin iron still rods

When night fell in the garden
The dark striped color cat arrived
Jumping high to pull down the bird's cage
The tweeting loudly of fear nobody rescued

Maybe the parenting birds flying in
The stray cat made them flew away
Fearing for their own lives they disappeared
Leaving the birdies at the mercy of the cat

The bird's cage on the ground
One trapped between the cage door
One died in misery; one died head decapitated
So the culprit was found a few nights the cat came

Now the silence in the garden
The tweeting echo disappears
Yet every morning the parenting birds tweet
Searching for the birdies long time dead

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