Monday, June 09, 2014

the top is weak

The top is weak
The warlords smiling
They can do practically every way
Giving the ripples

The power of the thrones
It has been happening
For years in our eyes
Every push the gate opens a little

Until there is a way to go
Yes the singing of power
It has to sin every way
The outsiders will start questioning

The mute society will drum up
The defenders of 3R
They lay the red carpet
The truth is hurting

The Constitution never smiles
A long while in our lives
It has been taken out of context
By the extremists to suit their own wall

Will the top wake in time?
The much digging under the bridge
It isn't good for the foundation
The corridor of power must move

Do not let the warlords escape
The undermining of control
It isn't good in the long run
Don't just say it with words

Make sure it works under the Constitution
This is the foundation for the nation
Let no others try to undermine it
The core values must stay in toto

Now the top is weak
The warlords will try to hit the bottom
Thinking they can get it away
It's the people who will not back down

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