Saturday, July 02, 2022

the people will protest on the rising costs


The men in blue

They don't think they feel the heat of soaring prices?

Don't they feel the pinch in their living expenses?

Don't they feel they want to shout as hard as the people?

Maybe the men in blue don't feel it

When angry people shout it loud to protest

They want to round up the leaders to investigate

What is the purpose men in blue?

The people have their rights

In the Constitution where the rights belong

The people will protest on the rising costs

It affects every one in the country

Men in blue

Why waste time and resources?

Important cases haven't found the conclusion

The soaring prices affect all the people

Look into the important unsolved cases

Nothing is solved for many years now

But the rising costs of living expenses

They want to investigate the organizers

Men in blue

Don't they feel the empty pockets?

Maybe they have special allowances

Hence they can do the bouncing act

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