Wednesday, July 16, 2008

the bad dreams will arrive

The nightmares begin
10 years ago the same charge erupted again
Anwar Ibrahim is arrested at 1.00pm today
The Police couldn’t wait till 2.00pm
They had to arrest Anwar with 10 cars
Commando style……………….what Anwar a terrorist?

Malaysia is viewed badly in the world nations
10 years ago damage control hasn’t worked
Now the déjà vu comes a visiting
Malaysia in the bad light once again

The Police creditability had died
IGP and his men have gone to the grounds
Of those evils dead and selling souls
Keep to the time don’t act in haste

Now as a concerned citizen
I want to know who issued the order of arrest
Though both parties agreed at 2.00pm
Tell the Rakyat………this is accountability

Malaysia back to the eyes of the world
The same story strikes on the same man
The UMNO elites wagging tails
Now they think they can sleep easily

Bad dreams will arrive
Into their minds the evils will come
Back- back time will surely take
For evils have no compassion

The MPs better have conscious
Don’t betray the trust of the voters
You are the law makers for the nation
Entrusted by the people to safe-guard the country
Wake up and do your duty
In this hour the Rakyat want you act
For the good of the whole
Don’t let the Rakyat curse you forever
Into generations………..!

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