Tuesday, July 22, 2008

the laws mustnt fail

Atlantuya buried cold in pieces
Heavens know how she went begging
For retribution of her ripples soul
For the killers haven’t justice served

Bala’s SD 1 and 2
Aroma of treat and tricks
Like a Halloween Night
Dressing up to play ghosts
Pieces of C4 wrapped up in sweets
Giving it out free
Is it treat or trick?

Many important players
Leaving out of the loop
The AG had made it only 3
The fall guys so to speak

The allegedly truth could be found
In Bala’s SD 1 now
Otherwise why in a hurry to retract within 24 hours
Then finally disappeared?

Atlantuya’s shadow spreading it wide
Into justice she seeks to find
Begging heavens doing it right for her
She didn’t want it this way in her life

Will the second group of players play?
In the court of justice seeking fair contribution
Of justice and retribution
For the eyes of the world
Looking at our justice system

Atlantuya’s blood seeped into our ground
Crying softly seeking her justice in our land
The laws mustn’t fail her quest
So the lawyers are seeking truth
And the concerned groups wanting justice delivered

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