Tuesday, July 08, 2008

it isnt over yet

borrowed www.flickr.com(Ian Visits)

SAPP got snapped
This is politics
The party is yesterday news
So SAPP takes a bow
A breather for golf challenge
Asking for handicap pending review

The back alley gets the news
Hot and spice hogging on every one lip
About SAPP they forget
This is more interesting to talk about

Now SAPP withdrew
The Bodohians get a reprieve
Holding breath waiting for storm over
Yet the underlying cables will light
The game isn’t over as yet

The strategy of cat and mouse
Hiding in the holes tunneling out patiently
The tunnels will be the entry………
When fireworks display the rats emerge
For the cat so busy meowing in the sparkling sky

When eyes aren’t tune to the back alley
When mind dreaming about the costs high
When money seem to dwindle so fast
When unemployment staring at you
Nobody sees the rats move
Stealing the cheese
And they become the kings

The new troop swarm the roads
Joining the crowd assimilation complete
The new season has begun…………….
Nobody sees it coming

So SAPP got snapped at all?
It is left to be seen
When the final whistle is blown
Into the night sky of many stars

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