Monday, July 28, 2008

what is with the back door?

What is with the back door?
Playing hide and seek in perception
In political games it can ruin plenty
Of lives and economies……….

What is with the back door?
The political leaders seem to engage
Going out quietly to caress……..
Exploring the lines to get it right

Ah the partners sleep
The coalition leaders close one eye
They can’t display disunity
It is with the back door what could they say?

Passing tips with a smile
Don’t worry we stay opposition
For the back door drummers
Don’t worry silent partners
We won’t let you lose face

What is with the back door?
It seems it is a trend in the country
Hiding out the truth; engaging in silent mood
Only come out to show faces
Smiling and saying
‘There is nothing to worry about
We won’t forget our partners
We will stay with them through thick and thin
Until nature takes us all……….’

So what is with the back door?
The truth is hard to tell
Only satisfied smile and mind
The rest leave it all speculations

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