Friday, July 25, 2008

the idea of god

The idea of God
It is hard to believe
Amongst politicians
When greed rears its head

Swearing on holy books
It doesn’t make a thing
Everybody can do it
End of the day business flows as usual
One teh tarik please!

The mamak stalls hive of activities
Talking about Na Heep and his useless swearing
It is just playing wolf scaring amongst the sheep
Let them know he has nothing to hide

Yet he dares not go to court
To clear his name and the charge about his denials
In court he hasn’t gone
Out of it he talks nonsense

Let my records speak
He never reads his own statements since
He dares not open the can cover
It will stink with his stinging smell

So I guess he has to make it right
Go to court let the truth prevails
Let the court and lawyers decide
Swearing on the holy book
It makes no difference to the dead
Unless justice is done
Otherwise it is just a publicity stunt
Giving no way saying no truth
It is just a political game

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