Saturday, July 05, 2008

the burning midnight oil

The burning midnight oil
Flicking shadow trying to find a reason
Why the drama turning so differently?
Have the script writers flip flop away?

One says he is so innocent
The other says he has proof to say he didn’t do it
The poor Mongolia beauty slept forever
Never could she see the sun and the moon

The exciting drama yesterday
Today it became a matinee
Quickly staged the show
Speedily disappeared………..

The burning midnight oil
Finding the truth so hard to come by
All words hardly pulling in the crowds
Many burning questions lawyers never ask
Why they don’t subpoena them?

The lottery sinks the truth
This is why it never comes out in the open
The burning midnight oil
Where are you shadow of truth?

The ball is dribbling
Running in circle
The monkey jumping up and down
The game of knocking out opponents
They are still standing………….

The burning midnight oil
The night can’t tell a vision
Dreams hardly come by
It is still looking for facts
For the truth is out somewhere
Somebody will come to tell
“I am the truth
So celebrate victory”

When tomorrow comes
We pay our dues
As the day watching us by
Like fools listening to the Pied Piper

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