Wednesday, February 02, 2022

the water Tiger takes over


The water Tiger takes control

It isn't a pleasant ride to come

With debris from the last Ox chair

He has a lot on his plate

On his watch he has to work harder

Finding way to knock off the pandemic

It has created fear in the world population

Because Big pharma wants to make money

The lies it was spread

Conning the world to take the vaccines

Even the clinical trials were suppressed

Now there is a case pending in ICC court

The economy reeling from the pandemic

The unemployment rate shoots up the misery

Many are caught without money to survive

Some even sell their kidneys to make a living!

The water Tiger has to control the tides

The corruption still riding high

Even the Macc is embroiled in it

The Tiger should flash them out

The back door through Rat and Ox

The water Tiger shouldn't allow it to stay

He has to roar it out without fear or favour

Let the back door collapse and be out for good

Without balancing out the bad episodes

The water Tiger can't roar out in pursuit

He will get chained to his chair

He mustn't allow it to happen to him

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