Friday, April 22, 2022

stop the irrelevancy of excuses


The leaders of the wolves

They can't go to prison

They are the high and mighty

They have the clout to roll in

It isn't in the party's image

They should be going to jail

The court cases they will try

To find excuses to delay

The public saw it happened

The irrelevant issues to delay

The cases drag on too long

The leaders of the wolves

The bad publicity for the nation

It isn't good to bring in FDI

It isn't good for the economy

The justice must move swiftly without delay

The crocodile's report

Some leaders claim it is rubbish

It needs to be rebutted

Technically there could be a truth

The leaders of the wolves

Trying their best to delay their cases

The judges should move the cases quickly

Stop the irrelevancy of their excuses

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