Tuesday, April 19, 2022

the old age


The old age

Funds must be available

Otherwise a crying shame

Bewildered, angry and old

Who to blame?

The government we elect?

It is us for our stupidity

Without saving for retirement

EPF is a forced saving

Giving the aging members

The funds to survive in the golden years

But now what do they have?

Withdraw it to spend on festive season

Within a week or two the funds will be gone

What will these members going to plead?

They have no monies in their accounts

EPF calculated a member needs $240,000

By this rule how many have in their accounts?

It is better to stay in EPF because it gives better returns

In the golden years we must have sufficient funds to survive

Now we see the members

A short term gain a life of pain

When they grow old

Without sufficient funds to stay afloat

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