Dr Rais Yatim ordered the relevant agencies. On one hand we want to be a world class player; on the other we want to be a village mentality. We are in the borderless world. No matter how one looks at it, the people will have their own resources to view 'too much skin' The government wants us to compete with the World yet we are not allowed to walk across the border. So how are we to compete? Every time I read the government statements, I find it is an indirect dictatorship imposed on the people. The government of the day never directly hint to the people but I find it is true. Imposing conditions, restrictive laws to cover themselves against law suits or crimes. Mind you the local authorities too have a free hand to impose their own by-laws on the people. After a hard day work, I expect to enjoy my free time. As long as I never break any law of the country, I should be allowed that liberty to view/see what I want. People have known how to conduct their affairs and they know how to draw their lines or conclusions. We want to be the centre of education needs to the World yet I find ministers send their children overseas to study or the rich parents send their children out to other countries to learn. So what education centre the government is talking about? Perhaps only the Third World countries will come here to study....currently Singapore has gained on her efforts but we seemed to fail in our own ventures. Our creativity has been stifled and our minds controlled. In time to come even our own expressions in the net the government wants to control. I will vote differently next time. The government runs without the people at heart. These MPs or ministers must go. Don't let them have a second chance...Get a new group and bring us to the World map...
Malaysia...matured yet immatured....when will you grow up?
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