I was reading a book on small business management. About how these small enterprises helped the country's economy during the period of 70's 80's 90's These group of enterprises really helped to sustain employment in the country( example UK & USA) During recession these small businesses are the ones who pulled in the business. As such of its power that the governments offered attractive benefits for these people to succeed in their endeavours. Now I recalled the Malaysian Government is doing the right objective to encourage these developments in the country. But I feel sad because the government is helping one race and sidelined the other races in the country. The objective is encouraging business development
by an individual or a group of individuals to sustain or increase the economy of the country. In towns or rural areas, there are mushrooming of shops or outlets built by the government agencies for the Malays. Perhaps the government wants to push the Malays to actively involved in the world of business. Also offering easy loans and assistance. These in my view won't make them a successful businessman. They have to learn to walk before they run. You let them run for how long before they collapse on the roads? SME/SMI is the corner stone for economically generate sources of income/products for the country and people. The policy must be equally distributed to all the people and no quota systems tweed into its rules.
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