Saturday, August 19, 2006

demands and demands

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My nation my home yet I find the country's policies tend towards favouring one race. The country is meant for all races called Malaysians. Every policy or rules and regulations should favour all parties not just one particular party in the expense of the others. To me it isnt fair in the economic distribution. The government has tried for the past 49 years to help one race but the policies stil suggest it isnt enough. When too much has been taken for granted,ultimately the favoured race will face its own downfall. Read history. Greed is the downfall for all nations or people. Now I hear the Penang UMNO wants the cake. The National UMNO youth head too jumed into the wagon. Demands and demands. Now the Penang UMNO youth wanted the Chief Minister of Penang to resign as PDC chairman saying that the Malay is not represented. In fact the whole committee memmbers are Malays only the chairman is the Chief Minister who is a Chinese. Lately the Malays in Penang seemed to be very vocal forgetting that it is a social contract inked by the forefathers of the country that every one is one race called Malaysian. In spite what AAB who is the UMNO president said, the youth wing in Penang defied his orders. In my view AAB should disciplined his members of his party. They are in power to rule the country by the cooperation of the other parties in the coalition. Alone I dont think they can rule the country at all for 49 years. Look at it UMNO members should be grateful that they gain so many at the expense of the other parties in the country. So I dont know why the members keep asking for more? Cukuplah beri peluang kepada orang yang lain. Merekapun nak cari rezeki juga....

Malaysia wake up before it is too late.......!!!

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