Thursday, June 14, 2007

someone is pulling strings

An interesting read
The fall of the mighty one day
It will happen as events come along
Nothing will stay forever
It has to change

Politics in the country
Money and the cowboys
You see them carrying bags
Walking about flowing with the leaders

I had seen one of them
One a close buddy
He carried bag of hundred thousands
One of the guys behind the scene
When the leader won
Many lucrative contracts
When the leader lost
This guy too lost hi s business
And disappeared………

And now we see
Through the eyes of Raja Petra
The power shadows reign
Playing a subtle chess game

Who will win?
June 18, 2007
A Monday blue
Somebody or group of body
Never sleep well yesterday

AG gave a silly response
Changing the entire casts in a case
Someone had pulled strings
The puppet has to move again

Playing badminton with a judge
AG changed the scene
A new team called on Sunday
Nobody knew what screwed the lord

It is worked of someone
Who wanted to the present government gone?
The 4th floor boys and weak administration
The country will dance unsteadily on the dacing
When the rocking waves hit the shore

Raja Petra
Let the ball bounce
I enjoy reading it
You let us have another story
To keep our minds imagining

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