Saturday, August 04, 2007

bakun props

Bakun has prostitution. The workers are provided sex after a hard day's work for a fee. The syndicate cornered the market in the deep jungle by sending women (volunteer or forced or kidnapped women) to these workers living and working for the Bakun project. As reported in the Star, slaved women sent SMSes asking for help. The CPO knows about it and said it is difficult for the Police to conduct and investigation to nap these syndicate members. There is always an excuse from our Police officers. First the syndicate 'taiko' is not hiding in the jungle. Second, he/they could be prominent businessmen or leaders in political parties(basing on the view it happened in MCA) Thirdly, the Police should go to the Bakun areas and ask the workers about the women.....Fourthly, the CPO should send his under cover police officers into the Bakun area working like the real workers there. When there is money to be made, human greed will find ways to lure the people for profits. Prostitution is as ancient as the religion itself. The prophets of those times found it hard to eradicate the business. Even God had destroyed a city yet it flourished till today(according to the Holy Bible) Women and men the two shall not be divided; there is always a need for each of them. It is the need of sex; a need to feel God presence, a need to release pent up desires, that prostitution flourishes in any society. When I was in Mersing years ago, I found out along the Endau/Rompin Road enterprising syndicate members propped up a make-shift tent to provide women for the long distance lorry drivers cruising this part of the road. These people groped in Malay women and the natives to provide this lucrative business. It was said it happened at night. It was to avoid detection by the police. Eventually news travelled and police managed to crack it down. By then the syndicate had already made profits on the venture.

Men are like dogs. Every where they go they must leave their marks behind. Unless the men behave like men perhaps there will be less social ills in the society. It is always difficult to reign in the guys. When you are young and single go and play play.......but then the guys get hook with it. They dont change..........unless they find their best partners or they finally see God....

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