Friday, August 24, 2007

now think before you vote


courtesy from

When we have leaders
Who only want their positions?
What more do we want?
Let them carry on the business as usual?
A country is made up of many people
Different cultures different religions
Different perceptions different temperaments
Yet if a leader singles out his own race
As the supreme race of all
He is calling the other people
You aren't welcome in the country
This type of leader one has to boot out
A long time ago
For he has damaged the social framework
Put into place by the founding fathers
When we have leaders
Dont know what they say
Playing into the racial card
Raising unwanted tension
Then blame it on others
These types of people
Vote them out sooner the better
Before the country cries for tears
When we have leaders
Only say to score points
Thinking they are the best
It is better, my friends, vote them out
For not helping the people
When we have leaders
Saying words to please the crowd
Behind their backs they plunder
The nation wealth
Leaving them with nothing
Only words to live by
It is time to kick them out
The sooner the better
In the end

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