Sunday, October 10, 2021




Like your story my tales

Every race wants to say

Can't take a second place


The founders or developers

How a place is cleared and developed

Who want to claim the title?

It should be the labourers

They toiled and cleared the land

They died during their work

Got diseases sucked out their lives

But history will say

About the persons who stood tall

Commanding figures supervising the labourers

Pushing for their needs of wealth creations

But history will also say

It is about the winners planting their own versions

Ignoring written records how it was built and flourished

It wants to paint a race establishing an influence

Because nobody wants to accept second best

In life and in events somebody still have to lose

Otherwise there will be no fun in competing

Even angels compete to gain favours


Like your tales my story

Why worry so much about it?

It can be wiped out in generations

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