Friday, October 29, 2021

the old habits of the wolves


The wolves

Don't care about rules and SOP

Organized gathering forget about rules

MOH fine the party

It should be all involved

A $10K fine is just peanut

Each party member should be charged

For the violation of C19 rules

As it is always the case

The double standards rule in their favour

But not for the opposition leaders

They were fine individually for marching to Parliament

By right it is their right to enter the August House

Only the police decided to bar them from entering!

The wolves will not learn

The fine of $10K is like a donation from the party

The leaders will still try to beat the rules and SOP

Unless MOH and police are serious about it

In Sabah yesterday it was reported

A birthday party caused the spike in cases

Maybe the party goers thought they were vaccinated

What was there to worry about?

They forgot vaccines are walls to defence

They still can be infected

The old habits return

The double standards

The people should wake up

Don't fall into the trap again

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