Friday, October 29, 2021

the super spreaders


The super spreaders

MOH must draw up guide lines

It can become a huge problem

When we are facing it one day

The vaccinated 2 doses people

They aren't taking the risks seriously

They think now they can travel

Cross borders and dining in

They forget they aren't immune

Rocking Rona still can catch them

When the vaccines walls are broken

The virus can crawl in easily

In US doctors are warning it

The super spreaders will cause a spike

As C19 will mutate to stay stronger

The vaccines may not be able to contain it

We have a few cases causing us to wake up

We heard report of fully vaccinated caught the virus

Some may have suffered the consequences

Because they forgot to follow SOP and rules

The super spreaders

MOH should stay on top of the game

Do not allow it to happen here

SOP and rules must still be followed!

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