Tuesday, May 28, 2024

MO1 should do his time


The political play

For the sake of MO1

Now sitting in prison

Trying hard to get free

After over 2 months

His team and supporters talking

About house arrest for him

Though there is nothing to show

The Pardon Board didn't say it

When it was announced publicly

This is a political play

For a man who stole the country's wealth

We will watch

The drama of fools on display

Those crying for his release

Because they owe him plenty

MO1 should stay in prison

Though he is treated well in it

The Pardon Board didn't say

So now what is the game?

MO1 should stay to pay for his crime

He had given half discount by the previous King

Yet he still feels he needs 100% discount

Let him pay for looting the nation

He dares to do his crime

Now he shouldn't cry in his mind

He has to return the monies stolen

He has to do his time

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