Friday, May 17, 2024

the wild growing


The wild growing

The dark shadows will smile

They don't care the consequences

Once they hit lives may get paid

The growing scenes

Causing uneasiness in the public

Is it an isolated case?

The police should hit the chart

Molotov bombs hit

Boycott instigations

All for the wrong reasons

Now a police station incident

2 police officers died

One seriously injured

Attacked at 2.45 morning

The sneak killer(s) hit

The daring attack

The police in Johore

They should search for the crook(s)

Don't let the 2 police officers died in vain

The wild growing

The dark shadows will smile

The police must gear it up

Find the attacker(s)

The public should stay alert

The dark shadows on the run

The wrong teaching in life

Causing pain in later years

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