Thursday, May 30, 2024

PH leaders don't make the wrong move


The draconian laws to change

Renaissance hasn't put his foot forward

He is still dreaming up in the air

Dreaming of ways to protect his position

He is gaming up to his race

Anything about his race he will stay quiet

Though he will say everyone will benefit

Even in his speech he split into majority and minority

This is the man

Promising many changes to come

Now he is in position of power

He feels reluctant to change

Now he wants to amend laws to PPPA

He wants to stop online criticisms or products

Why can't he look into the draconian laws?

These are the promises he would have done

Renaissance man

He is going backwards

The wolf DNA is still burning in him

Once he was the deputy president

PH Council members

Don't sit still and wait

GE16 will be the punishment

When changes still in limbo

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