Sunday, May 19, 2024

the police must gear it up


The police should go after the terrorists

Don't let the Islamic terrorists hide

Don't let the 2 police officers die in vain

These terrorist group should be caged in

Don't let religion as an excuse

It is a crime of murder in the law

These bad people involved should pay

Don't let them live freely in society

They are good at it in hiding their faces

As they have crafted their skills

Hiding behind the long arm of the law

A religious front to camouflage their ill intentions

The police musst monitor and find ways to stop them

Don't let them get away in religious clothing

They are the cells waiting for the opportunity

Once a while they may try to cause chaos

Using politicians to air their causes

On race and religion issues

The police should take proactive steps

Don't let religion using it as a camouflage

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