Friday, May 31, 2024

the 2 Korea


North Korea and South Korea

Playing their childish games at the border

Barbed out by steel fence

Patrolling by the soldiers

During the time of Joseon Dynasty

There was just one Korea

Hanyang was the capital then

Where the king lived and administered the nation

Now the 2 Korea

Can't agree to compromise

One has the backing from China

One has the backing from US

South Korea activists shot leaflets in the air

Causing North Korea to retaliate

They floated 200 balloons of rubbish

Across the border line

The agitation may cause a world war

As China is touting Taiwan with her military exercise

Over in Russia still pursuing her war

The world watches with concerned

The 2 Korea

They should share their commitments

Join hand in hand for progress

Open up the border for traveling and visits

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