Saturday, June 22, 2024

the old tales repeat


The drama of fools

So many in a race

The narrow view

Hitting on the wrong code

Though they will say

Their faith will bring

The better living

Every other is wrong

They don't read it well

Their tales aren't original

The others too did the stories

The tales to restrict freedom

The fire in their minds

It isn't nothing new

Other faiths did the same

What's new in their view?

They are the drama of fools

Trying hard to play a game

It had been played centuries ago

Like the Crusades of the Christian era

A majority can't rule the world

Like China or India with large population

The world still follows a lesser god

Calling the shots dressed up in democracy

The drama of fools

Don't get short sighted

Read the scriptures

God is playing light and dark

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