Sunday, June 23, 2024

lies, damned tales and politicians


Lies, damned tales and politicians

They will sing it out loud for all to hear

When they are caught with their pants down

What will they say to the voters?

It is a little mistake

Nothing serious will be the chorus

A mistake is a mistake

A wrong is a wrong

You can't solve algebra

Without hitting right on algebra A

Your can answer on question B will be wrong too

Lies, damned tales and politicians

The crocodiles can't think straight

They are good on spinning on their religious tales

Those drama of fools will fall so quickly

Dreaming of heaven in their minds

If they don't enjoy paradise

Heaven will be out of reach

Do they realize it?

Lies, damned tales and politicians

A sad tale for the nation

The bad politicians raining bad tales

Cooking too much in one sauce

Lies, damned tales and politicians

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