Sunday, June 23, 2024

the parliament speaker


The Parliament Speaker

It's time he has to tackle his role

On the 6 MP in the August House

As their membership is terminated

The moos want 6 by elections

It isn't the party right to call

It is the Parliament Speaker

His right to allow or with-hold it

The 6 MP aren't wrong

The anti-hopping law doesn't apply

They didn't quit their party

They were sacked or terminated

They are now Independents

They still can exercise their rights

They don't breach the law on AHL

Why the moos so eager to call?

Though the moos can claim

Ros approved the party amendments

Sack members must vacant their seats

The issue still the right of the House Speaker

The court will be the next course of action

The 6 MP can file it in court for a decision

Let the Speaker decide the way he sees it

Currently they are the Independents

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