Monday, February 25, 2019

open up the toll contracts

Why need to negotiate with toll companies?
Open up the previous contracts signed
Let the public scrutinized it
Let the public see the one -sided agreements

The toll companies amassed huge profits
The people have coughed it out everyday
Let us be fair; let us read the contracts
As one reader puts it tax the toll companies 95%

Maybe pass a nationalization law on essential services
Forcibly takes over the services for the people
The Old Man previous ways costing us problems
Now he has to give us back in his second stint as PM

Many believe Bee Anne gave out the honey contracts
This is the time to plug the loopholes and find ways to get it done
As one COA judge filed in his affidavit it holds the truth of the past
PH leaders must get it done within the 5 years term

PH leaders get your mojo in
Bee Anne leaders can shout, lies or show tantrums
But PH leaders are well tuned to it
So, don’t give way to the opportunity now

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