Wednesday, February 06, 2019

the crimes have to pay

The former EC commissioners
Though they had resigned from their posts
They can’t be free from prosecution
They have to face the wrong they done

They were supposed to help the people and nation
They were tasked to execute elections in a fair and balance manner
They did the wrong approaches to help the then Bee Anne
They did the wrong way some called it treason to the King and nation

They must face the charges in the RCI
They have to explain the way they did
They can still face the prospect of prosecution
They will face losing their pensions

Some judges and lawyers don’t agree
They think the former EC commissioners had resigned
There shouldn’t be any inquiry into their affairs
They missed the point in their arguments

The elements of crimes or treason
A person will face the law even he has resigned
Even in the corporate world the CEOs too
Though they offer to step down from their posts

The abuses of power or corruption
A person still has to face the law
Though he has left his services
There is no way he could escape his crimes

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