Saturday, March 19, 2022

maybe the hot air will blow over


What now in Johore?

A chief minister who has no support

The 38 SD signed and delivered

He should have declined the offer

But eyes on the power

He can't decline but grab it

A ruler should have followed the rules

He has erred in his selection

A person who commands the majority

He is the person to be appointed to the post

It is stated clearly in the Constitution

No ruler is allowed to side step it

The leaders of wolf party

They aren't going to stay quiet

They got knocked in Perlis in 2018

Now they face the deja vue in Johore

What will happen in the state assembly?

Will the wolves stage a knock out blow?

Will they stay quiet lick their wounds?

As happened in Perlis in 2018

Maybe the hot air will blow away

The 38 wolves will just stop howling

Stay quiet and forget the incident

A chief minister they don't support

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