Thursday, March 31, 2022

the bad leaders bring no cheers


The crocodiles speak

It always never bring good cheers

It is always toward their own kind

It is a shame to hear them speak

One gives a stern warning

To the NM on her children's conversion

Without her authorization to change religion

The Federal Court past ruling still applies

Will the police take action?

Nothing will come from the blue

Because they will say no police report

The mother is advice to lodge her complaint

Now another one will propose a Muslim PM

He wants the Constitution to effect the change

Mostly it will not happen because they don't have the majority

Yet the crocodiles want to imply the way they intend to do

The people should wake up to see

Especially the Malays in the rural areas

They shouldn't live in closet minds

They will suffer in the long run of things

The nation is running into heavy debts

The payment will drain our resources

The nation leaders now can't handle the situation

GE15 must bring in a new set of leaders to progress

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