Thursday, March 24, 2022

the anti-hopping law


The Anti-hopping law

It takes a slow walk to gain recognition

What input is needed to make it happen?

Every leader wants no frogs to gain

But will it work at all?

The politicians can work behind the scene

Letting their votes count in decisive moves

Supporting the party through monetary gains

These unprincipled politicians

They will stay in their own party

But they will not support in decisive needs

They may ignore the whip and vote on their own

Until the party removes them from membership

They can then support openly the party they want

They will say they aren't frogs

They are allowed the freedom to choose

The party must select upright and honest candidates

By human nature they will turn over with wealth

If they do not subscribe to the party stands on issues

They will use their votes for sale and get the benefits

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