Thursday, March 31, 2022

nature sending signals


The strong wind yesterday

Swinging the branches high and low

It swept through with the rushing rain

It wet through the closed up areas

The papaya tree couldn't hold it

The wind blew hard and cracked its base

It fell and broken at its edge

The papaya tree couldn't be saved

The bird's nest on the palm trees

It swayed left and right but it stayed

The mother bird sat through the ordeal

Of strong wind and heavy rain

Across the street

A banana tree got uprooted

For months it stood high proudly

Until yesterday the strong wind broke it

The Nature wrath

The anger in her motion

The angry wind; the fierce flood

The hot sun burning skin

But we forget to protect Nature

We plundered and destroyed

Because we are greedy and corrupted

Until we wake up and change our ways

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